画画世界 > 逛画廊 > 印象空间画廊 > 艺术家 > 张彪
      • 张彪

      张彪ZHANG BIAO生平 Biography

      1971年5月 出生于河南省南阳市

      Born in Henan Province May. 1971

      1992年9月——1996年7月 就读于天津美术学院版画系 获文学硕士学位

      B.A. Department of Print Paint , Tianjin Academy Of Fine Art, 1996

      2006年7月 任教于天津美术学院

      Teaching in Tianjin Academy of Fine Art from Jul.2007 till now

      展览及获奖 Exhibition & Awards


      "Reflection" Art Joint exhibition, Hangzhuo & Beijing, Apr. 2009

      2009年3月21日, “聚變-蠪螜主義”,于向溟\張彪雙個展,北京今日美術館

      "Fusion-Longhuism", Yu Xiangming & Zhangbiao Art Joint Solo Exhibition, Today Art Museum, Beijing, Mar. 2009


      “Yunnan International Print Painting bi-yearly Festival”, 2008


      “Ravelment: Confused City” joint exhibition, IN-SHINE Gallery, SongZhuang, Beijing, 2008

      2007年【观澜国际版画双年展】 【第十八届全国版画作品展】优秀作品奖\

      Winner of price for outstanding works at the “18th National Printmaking Works Exhibition”


      “Anniversary Exhibition of National Printmaking Works”, 2006

      2005年【第十一届全国藏书票艺术展】  【第十七届全国版画作品展】 优秀作品奖

      Winner of price for outstanding works at “The 11th National Bookplate Art Exhibition” and “The 17th National Printmaking Works Exhibition”, 2005

      2004年【第十届全国美展天津美术作品展】 【中日国际版画交流展】

      “The 10th National Fine Art Exhibition” and “International Printmaking Works Exhibition for Communicating between China and Japan”

      2003年【第四届中国石化美术书法摄影作品展】 铜奖  【中国石化首届版画作品展

      Winner of the bronze prize of “The 4th ‘Sinopec’ National Art Works Exhibition” and “The 1st ‘Sinopec’ Printmaking Works Exhibition”, 2003

      2001年【庆祝中国共产党成立80周年美术作品展】  【南阳市第二届书画大展】 优秀作品奖 】 银奖

      “The Art Work Exhibition for Celebrating the 80th CCP’s Birthday” and winner of silver prize of “The 2nd Nanyang Art Exhibition”

      1998年【河南省高校美术教师作品展】 三等奖

  1. 花季之四

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